FPEmpresa VET Schools Association is a non-profit association that brings together public, semi-private and private VET centres from all over Spain.

We have been working since 2012 with the aim of promoting and strengthening VET, by means of exchanging good practices and experiences among the associated centres.

The Association is the meeting point for all those VET centres that want to boost their relations with the corporate world and contribute to the creation of a solid network of centres capable of sharing experiences and projects; projects aimed at guaranteeing the development and consolidation of VET system in Spain.

In 2019, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Education and Training awarded FPEmpresa with the Honours Plaque of the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise for fostering VET through collaboration among centres, exchange of experiences and good practices.



Our goal is to give importance and to boost the Vocational Education and Training in our education system and strengthen relations between centres and their surrounding companies. At the same time, we have the objective of generate a greatest presence in the society. This commitment between schools and companies allows to improve the academic offer for VET students and increase their possibilities to enter the labour market.



FPEmpresa works towards becoming a referential figure among schools, institutions, social organisations and companies, with the aim of making VET a real academic alternative with excellent future prospects.



Collaboration: strengthen alliances among different social, educational and financial agents that participate in the field of VET.

Quality: excellence is our guidance.

Transparency: responsible and transparent management.

Diversity: promote diversity and inclusion.

Innovation: work with the latest technologies.

Passion: commitment to projects and people.

Future: guide our actions towards a path full of possibilities.

Board Members

Luis García Domínguez

Luis García Domínguez


IES Puerta Bonita
José Luis Durán Moyano

José Luis Durán Moyano

Vicepresident Barcelona

Institut Escola del Treball
Tomás Alonso Pérez

Tomás Alonso Pérez

Vicepresident Treasurer Madrid

IES Fco. Tomás y Valiente
Sergio San Martín Pinedo

Sergio San Martín Pinedo


Centro Somorrostro Muskiz

Territorial Members

Gregorio Hernández Pérez

Gregorio Hernández Pérez

Coordinator Canary Islands

CIFP La Indias
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Juan José González

Juan José González

Coordinator Castilla – La Mancha

CIPF Aguas Nuevas
María Ángeles Bernal Rodríguez

María Ángeles Bernal Rodríguez

Coordinator Castilla y León

CIFP de Ávila
Mariano Monzó del Olmo

Mariano Monzó del Olmo

Coordinator C. Valenciana

CIPFP Mislata
Manuel Hermo Piñeiro

Manuel Hermo Piñeiro

Coordinator Galicia

CIFP Carlos Oroza
Antonio García Martínez

Antonio García Martínez

Coordinator Murcia

CIFP Hostelería y Turismo Cartagena
Carlos Micó Díaz

Carlos Micó Díaz

Coordinator Cantabria

CIFP La Granja de Heras
Carlos De Olagüe Smithson

Carlos De Olagüe Smithson

Coordinator Madrid and International

IES Pedro de Tolosa
Alaitz Bastida

Alaitz Bastida

Coordinator Basque Country

IMH Elgoibar
Marta Rivas Gil

Marta Rivas Gil

Coordinator Aragón

CPIFP Movera
Miguel Infante Pérez

Miguel Infante Pérez

Coordinator Navarra

CIFP Donibane
Mónica Baigorri Martínez

Mónica Baigorri Martínez

Coordinator La Rioja

CIPFPD de La Rioja
La Rioja
Mª Pilar Apolo Leco

Mª Pilar Apolo Leco

Coordinator Extremadura

IES Cristo del Rosario
Javier Serrano Castilla

Javier Serrano Castilla

Coordinator Andalucía, Ceuta and Melilla

IES La Zafra
Jerònia Mairata Bennassar

Jerònia Mairata Bennassar

Coordinator Balearic Islands

CIFP Son Llebre
Balearic Islands