The Board of Directors of FPEmpresa held a meeting on the 15th and 16th of July at the CIFP Tecnológico Industrial in León, a partner centre of FPEmpresa. During these sessions, the members of the Board addressed a wide range of crucial topics related to the role of the Association in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET).

One of the key points on the agenda was the preparation for the next VET Congress to be held in Cartagena (Murcia) in the spring of 2025. The management team discussed various thematic proposals for the congress, aiming to ensure a relevant and enriching event for all attendees.

Additionally, the international situation of FPEmpresa was analysed, particularly regarding participation in international projects. The Board assessed the progress and impact of these projects, highlighting their importance for the global positioning of Spanish VET.

Another significant topic was the implementation of the new VET Law for the 2024/25 academic year. The Board conducted a joint evaluation of the application of the law in the different Autonomous Communities. This evaluation allowed for the identification of areas for improvement and the sharing of best practices among the regions.

The update of projects in which FPEmpresa is involved also became a prominent point of the meeting. Projects such as the educational resources of IndesIA and the Iberdrola Digital Community are being well received by FPEmpresa’s partner centres, demonstrating their effectiveness and relevance in the educational field.

Evaluation of the VET Congress in Seville

A significant moment of the meeting was the review of the results of the VET Congress held in Seville on the 25th and 26th of April at FIBES – Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones. The evaluation data of the congress showed an average rating of 7.77 and a recommendation score of 9.6, thus exceeding expectations and confirming the success of the event.

At the end of the meeting, Enrique Blanco, director of CIFP Tecnológico Industrial in León, expressed his gratitude to the Board of Directors of FPEmpresa for choosing his centre as the venue for the meeting. Blanco led a guided tour of the facilities, allowing the Board members to observe the various workshops used by VET students from different professional families.

“To conclude these sessions, I thank the entire FPEmpresa team for their commitment and constant work in favour of VET. In summary, this meeting marks significant progress in the planning of future events and the continuous improvement of VET in our country,” concluded Luis García, president of FPEmpresa.

The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa has attended the final gala of the 12th edition of GIRA Jóvenes this Tuesday, 25th of June, held at the Coca-Cola offices in Madrid, in order to announce the winners of the rural and urban categories. This project, which aims to promote entrepreneurship and support youth employability, has counted for the second consecutive year with the participation of FPEmpresa and its 38 associated centres. In total, 764 young people from 31 Spanish localities have participated in the 2024 edition.

The ‘Beeda’ project of the EFA Fonteboa de Coristanco (A Coruña), in the rural category, and the ‘Proyecto Isla’ of the IES Escuela de Hostelería y Turismo de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), in the urban category, have been chosen as winners of the award for transformative entrepreneurship projects in the 12th edition of GIRA Jóvenes. Both initiatives have stood out for their ability to respond to environmental and social challenges, and also for generating a positive impact on the environments and communities to which they belong. The winning teams were also awarded technological equipment that will help them to enrich their future careers.

The winning projects beat six other finalists in rural and urban areas, which were the following schools: IES Consuelo Aranda (Valencia), IES Alonso Quijano de Quintanar de la Orden (Toledo), IES Puente Ajuda (Badajoz), CPIFP San Blas (Teruel), Institut Pedralbes (Barcelona) and CPIFP Los Viveros (Seville).

Yolanda González, Deputy Director General of Vocational Training at the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, and Carmen Gómez-Acebo, Director of Sustainability at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Iberia, highlighted ‘the effort and dedication of all the participating teams’. ‘We are very proud to be able to contribute to your personal and professional development’, added Gómez-Acebo.

Winning projects

The project called ‘Beeda’ proposes a solution to guarantee pollination and, therefore, the biodiversity of our territory, ensuring the availability of sufficient pollinators both in the ecosystem and in the existing fruit and vegetable productions. To achieve this, it is proposed to connect beekeepers, farmers, society and technology in order to improve fruit and vegetable production, honey production and the social valuation of beekeeping as a means of conserving biodiversity.

For its part, the ‘Island Project’ aims to promote actions to reduce unwanted loneliness. To this end, they propose the creation of an association to implement a programme of leisure, culture and nature activities for socially vulnerable people in the town of Alcalá de Henares, serving as a model for many others. The programme includes indoor activities in a cultural centre of the city, sports activities in the facilities of a municipal centre and the organisation of cultural and natural routes to discover the heritage of the town.

On the other hand, the eight finalist teams, during the next few days, will have the opportunity to visit and get to know closely leading companies in sustainability, social impact and rural entrepreneurship such as Chep, Soulem or Mobu.

In addition, all the participating groups have received training in transversal competencies provided by the Fundación Universidad y Empresa, as well as a practical learning process led by Youth Business Spain and AlmaNatura for the development of their impact projects.

The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa and the Esprinet Group has presented the 3rd VET Knowledge Transfer Awards on 27th of June at the Esprinet Group headquarters in Madrid. An event in which the IES Alonso Quijano de Quintanar de la Orden (Toledo), the IES Clara del Rey (Madrid) and Campus Cámara FP (Valencia) have collected their respective awards of the III edition of the contest.

Representing FPEmpresa was the vice-president of the Association, Tomás Alonso, who expressed his gratitude to all the winners for their dedication to the competition and, especially, to the Esprinet Group for its collaboration.

‘These awards reflect our firm intention to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), promoting inclusive and equitable education for all. Undoubtedly, initiatives like this encourage us to continue advancing and strengthening our commitment to VET, especially in those areas where female participation is still limited,’ said Tomás Alonso.

‘With these awards, we at the Esprinet Group reaffirm our commitment to promoting key skills and abilities to train the professionals of the future. In particular, by giving visibility to female talent in those vocational training professional families where their presence is testimonial’, says Hugo Fernández, CEO of V-Valley Spain, part of the Esprinet Group.

An award that promotes key skills to train competitive professionals

The winning schools thanked the organisers for all the work they had done and, to conclude the meeting, they were given a guided tour of the Esprinet Group’s facilities. During the visit, they got to know each of the departments of the entity and the different work spaces of the employees.

‘I would like to thank both FPEmpresa and the Esprinet Group for promoting vocational training. For us it has been a double satisfaction. On the one hand, I have never seen my students so motivated and excited. On the other hand, we have managed to make the presence of women visible in traditionally male sectors. We must continue to fight for women to feel that they can work wherever they want’, said Mercedes Pedraza, a teacher at IES Alonso Quijano.

‘For our part, receiving this award that recognises our commitment to gender equality in professional families traditionally dominated by men fills us with pride. This award validates our efforts to create an inclusive and equitable environment for all our students’, said Luz Susana Canelo, head of the project at IES Clara del Rey.

For its part, Campus Cámara FP thanked both entities for giving them the opportunity to be part of the project. ‘This type of activity perfectly complements our training processes in vocational training centres. They allow us to work on innovation, to commit to tasks in addition to our studies and to set challenges that motivate us to empathise with other people and their realities’, said Enrique González, head of vocational training studies at Campus Cámara FP.

‘In addition, it is very positive to work on projects aimed at cycles with less female representation, generating visibility and models for future students. If you get a prize because the project stands out, perfect; but just participating is very beneficial and useful for the students’, added González.

FPEmpresa and Grupo Esprinet

The VET Knowledge Transfer Awards are the result of the collaboration between FPEmpresa and the Esprinet Group signed in 2021 to make female talent visible in those professional families of VET where the presence of women is testimonial.

After the success of the 2nd edition in 2023, both entities have renewed the collaboration agreement to launch the 3rd edition of the competition, which has attracted 248 participants and a total of 44 challenges presented.

The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa has attended from 22th to 24th of May 2024 the meeting ‘The Event 2024’ in Brussels (Belgium), organised by EfVET, EVBB and EVTA to contribute to the reshaping of European VET. FPEmpresa was represented by Carlos de Olagüe, EfVET coordinator for Spain and member coordinator for Madrid and International of the Association.

This meeting brought together representatives of various educational institutions and organisations from all over Europe to discuss and share innovative strategies and best practices in the field of VET, as well as to lay the foundations for the formation of the European VET Alliance and to issue a common declaration of intent.

“Furthermore, this event has been an investment in building invaluable connections and partnerships that can drive real change. Through workshops, panel discussions and networking sessions, all stakeholders were able to share best practices and formulate strategies for change,” said Carlos de Olagüe.

Manifesto for VET

During the meeting, Olagüe highlighted the crucial role played by the association in supporting VET schools in Spain. In his speech, the coordinator of FPEmpresa in Madrid and International explained how FPEmpresa has provided resources, training and advice to the centres to improve the quality of education and the employability of students.

“FPEmpresa is a fundamental pillar for VET centres in Spain, providing them with the necessary support to adapt to the changes and challenges of the labour market. Our mission is to ensure that VET in Spain remains up to date, providing students with the skills and competences demanded by today’s companies,” said de Olagüe.

In addition, details were shared about the 10th VET Congress held in Seville, the central theme of which was guidance before, during and after training. With regard to the new trends and reforms in VET, Carlos de Olagüe highlighted the implementation of entrepreneurship and the digitalisation module as transversal training in competences, introduced in the new VET law.

To conclude the meeting, a manifesto signed by European training providers was presented, highlighting that VET has historically been seen as a secondary option in the education sector. Despite its importance, the first draft of the European Education Area for Education excluded VET.

“For this reason, the manifesto seeks to reverse the negative perception and lack of investment in VET, promoting policies that strengthen this fundamental sector for the economic and social development of Europe”, concluded Carlos de Olagüe.

To access the manifesto, please click here.

More than a thousand vocational training teachers and professionals filled the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones in Seville during the two days of the Vocational Training Congress organised by the association of FPEmpresa centres and CaixaBank Dualiza, with the collaboration of the Junta de Andalucía and the Fundación Orange.

The event, which celebrated its tenth edition, has established itself as one of the main references of Vocational Training at national level, addressing various topics that directly affect this training modality and the educational community.

On this occasion, career guidance was the theme chosen to lead the presentations, addressing not only the initial orientation, but also, as indicated by the president of FPEmpresa, Luis García, the importance of accompanying students during their studies and help them develop. personally and know the opportunities in the market. This congress focuses on that mission.

The director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Paula San Luis, recalled the work carried out by her entity to support educational centres in all initiatives aimed at promoting guidance, considering it a key pillar to promote the qualification of people in vocational training.

During her speech, Paula San Luis gave the floor to the Chairman of CaixaBank, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, a staunch defender of vocational training, who took part in a video thanking the congress for being a meeting point for teachers, promoting the transfer of knowledge and acting as a driving force for innovation and a loudspeaker for the latest trends.

From the institutional level, the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, remarked that vocational guidance is the most useful tool to know the wide offer of the labour market, pointing out VET as a great conquest that represents the training and labour hope for several generations of young people and adults, being a niche of employability capable of energising the labour market as never before.

From the Ministry, the Secretary General for Vocational Training, Clara Sanz, insisted that “there will be no economic development or productive fabric if we do not achieve the vocational training that our country needs” and that “the great advance must be sought in consensus, in weaving alliances”.

All of this was the prelude to a series of presentations in which Clara Sanz herself, the Andalusian Regional Minister for Educational Development and Vocational Training, and the Deputy Minister for Vocational Training of the Basque Government, Jorge Arévalo, analysed the entry into force of the new Vocational Training Law and the challenges it will pose for teachers.

Arévalo himself defended the regulation because “it allows us to do what we want to do” and because “today’s centres have to be different; we cannot expect to enter centres that are the same as 50 years ago if we want to overcome the new challenges”.

He included this differentiation through new high-performance digital spaces or immersive digital spaces, which will facilitate the work of distance students and allow “if tomorrow we have a pandemic, the next day the students can continue working”.

The business part of the event heard the experience of the CEO of Ly Company Group, an Andalusian company with a turnover of more than 370 million euros, and the testimony of the former president of CICA, awarded for its commitment to VET and which has more than 50% of its staff coming from VET.

The students also had the opportunity to express themselves in a round table moderated by the Director of Innovation of the Chamber of Commerce of Seville, Ramón Bullón, in which Mónica Rufián, a student of Baking, Patisserie and Confectionery at the CIPFP Hurtado de Mendoza in Granada, advised those who decide their future: ‘Do not study only what has an outlet, because when you choose what you really want, you look for the opportunities yourself’.

All this took place at a congress where a roadmap was drawn up for where an ideal orientation should lead, and where the company should assume a part of this process through ‘a rapprochement between companies and education systems with specific agreements, moving away from big words’, according to the director of the Orange Foundation, Daniel Morales, who recalled that ‘when a student fails, it is not only an individual failure, but a failure of the system’.

In addition, all attendees had the opportunity to visit a number of educational centres located in Seville to learn about their organisation, the resources available and the strategies used to improve students’ education as much as possible.

For the programme of the 10th VET Congress, please click here.

The CaixaBank Dualiza and the Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa have selected the most outstanding projects from educational centres for their originality, content or impact in terms of encouraging students to take up vocational training.

Specifically, 28 ideas were selected from a total of 145 submitted throughout Spain. This figure represents a new record in the number of projects presented in this call, demonstrating the interest of educational centres in publicising their educational offer and Vocational Training. It also highlights the need for tools to carry out this purpose.

The interest aroused, in addition to the definitive application of the new Vocational Training Law planned for this year, has led to around ten projects incorporating specific actions related to the new regulations.

However, innovation is also gaining strength in many of the ideas presented, ranging from traditional open days to virtual visits to the centres, or the incorporation of robots that can provide all the information on vocational training to interested families.

Technology is gaining importance in many projects. Thus, it can be seen how, in order to promote farming families, the possibility of bringing a person closer to the formation of a honeycomb and the daily activity of bees is proposed, how the families of students are integrated into virtual or immersive realities, or how an Escape Room becomes an Escape Food to save the population from shortages by attracting new vocations.

At the same time, many are considering the option of approaching young people through social networks, either by using the tools provided by applications such as TikTok or by producing video podcasts to showcase the training on offer.

Getting closer to the reality of companies continues to be the main focus of many of the initiatives, whether through guided tours or meetings and open days.

In most of the initiatives, the gender gap is also addressed through measures to reduce it in strongly masculinised cycles. These include the creation of an application that allows young female students to get in touch with women who have studied technological professions and have developed in these professions.

In addition, projects aimed at primary school students have also been selected, as they lack the prejudices that may accumulate in other age groups and are more likely to receive activities that represent a first approach to vocational training. Once again, the majority of the projects received came from public schools, 71%, compared to 23% from state-subsidised schools and barely 6% from private schools.

Curiously, two of the vocational families that receive most demand, such as Administration and Management and Computer Science and Communications, are also the two with the highest concentration of these guidance projects.

The Guidance Call is a project launched by CaixaBank Dualiza and FPEmpresa with the aim of supporting educational centres in their work to raise awareness of vocational training among students who are in the process of deciding their academic future. In its five editions, around 120 educational centres have taken part through around one hundred projects that have had an impact on thousands of students.

To see the list of selected projects in this new edition, you can access through this link.

The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza are organising the 10th VET Congress under the title “Know. Decide. Act. The challenge of Vocational Training Guidance”. The event will take place on 25th and 26th of April at the Fibes | Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de Sevilla. In addition, the congress has the collaboration of the Junta de Andalucía and the participation of Fundación Orange.

Nowadays, society faces the challenge of guaranteeing a correct professional orientation not only for students, but also for families, workers, unemployed people and companies. The definition of mechanisms that facilitate this guidance is essential to forge a successful educational and working future. Furthermore, it is advocated that vocational training centres should become benchmarks in guidance, qualification and re-qualification of people.

Faced with this challenge, the 10th VET Congress is presented as a space for reflection and a meeting point for experts, institutional representatives, and professionals from the educational and business spheres to address the challenge of guidance.

The president of FPEmpresa, Luis García Domínguez, assures that “in the framework of this Congress, we reaffirm once again our commitment to the continuous improvement of vocational guidance in our country. This event is key to share experiences, explore innovative solutions and strengthen collaboration between companies and VET centres. Together, we are working to continue promoting vocational training as a driver of development and progress in our society”.

For her part, the director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Paula San Luis, was pleased that “this congress has managed to become an annual reference for the whole world of VET, making it a fixed date for hundreds of teachers who come to learn about the latest trends in VET, but also to make contact with professionals from other educational centres with the same concerns to continue promoting the world of VET”.

The importance of orientation towards VET in the educational and working environment

During the event, different presentations will be given by Clara Sanz, Secretary General for Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports; Patricia del Pozo, Andalusian Regional Minister for Educational Development and Vocational Training, and Jorge Arévalo, Deputy Minister for Vocational Training in the Basque Country.

In addition, the congress will be attended by international representatives, such as Irene Psifidou from CEDEFOP and Pablo Nardi, director of EfVET, to address the situation of VET guidance and career guidance at European level.

The 10th VET Congress will include visits to Andalusian VET schools and several round tables to discuss innovative strategies to improve guidance in VET schools, effective collaboration between the education and business sector, as well as the vital role of VET in the qualification and re-qualification of people.

All those interested in Vocational Education and Training can participate in the 10th VET Congress by registering at the following link.

For more information about the congress or additional details about the programme, please click here.

The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa and Esprinet Group announce the III edition of the VET Knowledge Transfer Awards, which aims to highlight female talent in those vocational training professional families where the female presence is testimonial. This call is aimed at any public, subsidised or private educational centre that is associated with FPEmpresa.

The call, which has brought together more than 750 participants in total in the 2022 and 2023 editions, returns to promote female talent in vocational training cycles in which there is a low representation of women. VET students will be able to develop key skills and abilities to become competitive professionals.

To date, more than 90 projects have participated in the VET Transfer Awards with innovative ideas related to the 2030 Agenda. All proposals have shown their commitment to moving towards societies with inclusive economic growth, greater cohesion and social justice, peace and a sustainable environmental horizon.

From 15th of March to 10th of April in 2024, each team will devise a technological solution that contributes to achieving at least one of the SDGs and also promotes gender equality, which corresponds to SDG 5.

Likewise, this year’s edition will place a positive value on the participating teams’ ability to make their proposals as visible as possible using social networks. The aim is to make the ideas contributed by the teams known to as many people as possible and to highlight the presence of women in the participating training cycles.

To this end, the VET Knowledge Transfer Awards will promote the commitment of FPEmpresa’s partner centres to the challenges established by the United Nations (UN).

Finally, the three winners of the challenge will be awarded with a financial prize of 5.500, 4.000 and 2.500 euros, respectively. The winning teams will be announced on 31st of May in 2024.


Since its constitution in 2012, FPEmpresa is a non-profit association that brings together public, private and subsidised Vocational Training Centres from all over Spain. In the same line, it contributes to create a network of centres able to share experiences, projects that want to develop and enhance the Vocational Training System of this country.

FPEmpresa aims to give prominence to Vocational Training in the education system and to strengthen relations between the centres and their environment. The commitment between Vocational Training Centres and companies makes it possible to improve the educational offer for vocational training students and the pathways to integration into the labour market.

In 2019, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training awarded the Plaque of Honour of the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise to the Association for promoting VET through collaboration between centres, the exchange of experiences and good practices.


Esprinet is an enabler of the technological ecosystem that, with a strong vocation for environmental and social sustainability, promotes technological democracy. With a complete offer of consulting, IT security, services and products for sale or rent through a wide network of professional distributors, Esprinet is the leading group in Southern Europe (Italy, Spain and Portugal), ranks fourth in Europe and is among the top ten worldwide.

With more than 1800 employees and a turnover of 4.7 billion in 2022, Esprinet (PRT:IM – ISIN IT0003850929) is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange.

The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa maintains its commitment to internationalisation. FPEmpresa has attended the first face-to-face meeting of the European project SiT – Sustainability in TCLF on 21-22th of February of 2024 at the premises of IHK Leipzig (Germany).

This initiative, coordinated by ITKAM – Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany, is part of the Erasmus+ Innovation Alliance funding programme and will run until 31 January 2027. In addition, the SiT project involves 15 partners from 8 European Union (EU) countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovakia.

One of its objectives is to promote innovation in education, training and the textile, clothing, leather and footwear sector. Therefore, the European project focuses on the potential of the green transition and the development of new training modules in educational institutions to address green skills gaps.

European companies in the textile sector require technical profiles with digital and green skills

In the first part of the meeting, the project participants presented their roles and the activities they carry out in each entity they represent. Afterwards, an analysis of the green skills required by companies in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear sector was carried out, together with a study of emerging professions with advanced knowledge in sustainability. In addition, ITKAM presented the administrative management of the SiT project and explained how the European partners should carry out the implementation of the project.

FPEmpresa explained its role in the European project. The Association will be in charge of Work Package 4, which involves the development of a MOOC focused on promoting the acquisition of various functional, transversal, digital and green competences. This MOOC aims to enhance the development of students and professionals in the textile sector. Furthermore, FPEmpresa has detailed the initial process that will be followed to implement the MOOC, as well as the informative aspects related to the training, such as the access process, duration and content, among others.

During the second part of the meeting, the other partners presented their contributions to the SiT project, while the Chamber of Commerce of Padua shared the dissemination and communication plan of the work. At the end of the session, several meetings have been scheduled to discuss the next activities of the project, in order to meet the implementation objectives of the European SiT project.

The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa has attended on 30-31 of January in 2024 the first face-to-face meeting of the European project ENNEPlus – Enhancing VET National Networks Through Ecoinnovation at the All Digital office in Brussels (Belgium).

This project is the successor of the previous ENNEPlus project and will run from 2024 to 2026. The aim of ENNEPlus is to enhance the capacity of VET providers to contribute to transformative and sustainable change in their local communities through networking, capacity building and challenge-based activities in the field of eco-innovation.

The project meeting was led by Egina (International Academy of European Fellowships), the project coordinator in Italy, and was attended by the other European partners, including WKO Steiermark and FH Joanneum from Austria; EfVET and All Digital from Belgium; Sereco from Italy; Innogestiona from Spain; and Apemeta and Arts & Skills from Portugal.

Empowering European VET networks through Eco-innovation

During the first session, participants learned about the specific objectives of the project and the work plan that will be followed during the process. In addition, the main dates of meetings and work deadlines were established, and the Social Hackathon, which will take place in Umbria (Italy) from 4 to 7 July 2024, was presented.

Afterwards, FHJoanneum presented the studies of its educational institution, the projects in which it participates and the different learning scenarios. Innogestiona explained their environmental role and how they approach their management and community participation in the ENNEPlus project.

During the second session, Egina presented the administrative management of the ENNEPlus project and explained how partners should present their activities. Subsequently, FHJoanneum showed the steps of the excellence assurance plan and the next tasks related to it, while EfVET shared the dissemination and communication plan of the work.

To conclude the meeting, the partners participated in the last activity, divided by countries to discuss other possible actors that could join the local actions. They also shared their social networks and told the partners about the activities and projects carried out by each of the organisations.