The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa has surpassed this 16th February the figure of 500 associated centres from all over Spain. This figure is significant for the organisation, as it means that FPEmpresa’s objectives are being met every day.

Since the Association was set up in 2012, it has been committed to giving a leading role to VET in the education system and strengthening relations between the centres and their environment, helping to generate a greater public presence of these in society. Furthermore, the commitment between vocational training centres and companies is essential to improve the educational offer of training cycles and the pathways to integration into the labour market.

Having reached the figure of 500 associated centres, FPEmpresa continues to work to improve VET every day and to ensure its future growth, because the more centres we have, the more authority the voice of the Association will have.

FPEmpresa believes that all the players involved in VET should maintain the efforts made in recent years to raise the profile of VET and, above all, to invest in resources for it. VET centres should be a point of guidance, training and accompaniment towards the labour market.

VET as the first educational option, the greatest challenge for FPEmpresa

With the new VET Law, many of the main objectives have become a reality. A path has begun on which, if the resources invested are sustained, it could become a new VET comparable to its EU neighbours

Given the daily growth in the number of members, our network is committed to VET as the first educational option, as well as being sufficient, free, flexible and accessible to everyone. FPEmpresa also works to bring VET closer to companies and social agents. It is the future of citizens, but also the future of a healthy society and economy.

CaixaBank Dualiza and the various projects with which it promotes vocational training

Over the last 10 years, the Association has organised various projects related to vocational training thanks to the collaboration with its strategic ally, CaixaBank Dualiza. Both entities have worked together to launch noteworthy projects, such as the Convocatoria de Ayudas Dualiza, which to date has launched six different editions; and the Convocatoria de Orientación Activa, whose current edition is the fourth and whose aim is to recognise and support the guidance actions of educational centres towards VET and/or Dual VET.

In addition, every year FPEmpresa has received the support of CaixaBank Dualiza to organise the different VET Congresses in Spain, which aim to promote the VET of the future and share experiences and good practices among schools.

We would also like to thank the Group Esprinet for its cooperation, with which the collaboration agreement has been renewed to launch initiatives such as the VET Knowledge Transfer Award; Coca Cola for participating in ‘Gira Jóvenes’, its entrepreneurship and youth employability support project; the Orange Foundation, the ExE Foundation, CONIF, among others, to continue carrying out projects for and in favour of VET.

FPEmpresa is committed to Internationalisation

The Organisation is committed to Internationalisation in order to share its objectives and values with other European and international educational entities. For this reason, FPEmpresa is involved in international projects and associations, such as the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) and EfVET (European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training), considered to be one of the most relevant international entities working to promote the quality of VET at European level.

FPEmpresa is also a member of another educational organisation of major international importance, WFCP (World Federation Of Colleges And Polytechnics). Belonging to these entities is not only beneficial for the Association, but also “for our associated centres, which allow them to have references and support in Europe or in other parts of the world”, says the president of FPEmpresa, Luis García Domínguez.

Tenth anniversary and 8th VET Congress

Another of the Association’s notable events was the holding of the VIII VET Congress, under the slogan ‘Building the VET centre of the future’, in Donostia-San Sebastián. More than 650 teachers gathered at this meeting to analyse the future of VET in the country, a record number of attendees for FPEmpresa. At the same time, the Association took the opportunity to celebrate its tenth anniversary, promoting vocational training centres with a future.

In 2010, the FPEmpresa project was presented as an innovation project under the motivation of 83 national VET centres. Two years later it would become the Association that seeks to represent the VET centres of Spain.

To watch the video about the 10th anniversary of FPEmpresa on YouTube, click here.

Finally, we would like to thank all the members who have participated throughout this time in the Boards of Directors and the current members of the Board of Directors, who every day work for a quality and innovative VET and for it to become the first educational option in the country.

The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa has participated in the sixth PLA (Peer Learning Activity) of the European project PRALINE (Promoting Adult Learning in Networks), held on 30 and 31 January in La Rochelle (France). The meeting was organised by the Association Union Nationale Des Maisons Familiales Rurales d’Education Et (MFR).

The conference focused on the understanding of VET in France, digitalisation and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in VET and Adult Education. During the presentation of these topics, the different speakers presented their possible solutions and alternatives through good practices in the country.

One of the main topics of the conference was La Rochelle, the French coastal city considered as a zero carbon territory. Joffrey Perrussel (Low Carbon Strategy Officer) and Julien Cluchague (Smart Campus Project Manager – Univeristy of La Rochelle) took part as guests.

Both Perrussel and Cluchague explained to the European partners that sustainable development has been a priority for La Rochelle for more than 40 years, thanks to the commitment of the population to fight climate change. Thus, one of the main objectives of the territory is to reach carbon neutrality by 2040 and to respect the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

MFR promotes new digital skills

Other topics discussed were the figure of the monitor by Sandrine Guibert (Pedagogical delegate FRMFR N-A – ANFRA) and Mathias Ledouce (Monitor – MFR La Garette); and the activity of the MFR Association. The Maisons familiales rurales (MFR) are vocational training centres that alternate study and work experience and are run by “families”.

These centres allow young people in rural areas to access education and acquire a professional qualification. Today, MRFs exist in more than 30 countries, mainly in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia.

After discussing improvements and new digital competences for teachers, as in previous ALMPs, PRALINE partners meet in groups to present their views and stimulate a debate to find new ideas among them.

At the end of the conference, the European partners have organised the dates for the next ALMPs: in May in Helsinki (Finland), organised by AMKE; in October in Croatia by Hrvatsko Andragosko Drustvo; and the last ALMP of the project will take place in December in the Netherlands by MBO Raad.

PRALINE is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims to strengthen and boost international networks of adult education providers already in operation by learning about good practice.

The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa attended the meetings of the EfVET Executive Management held on 26th and 27th January at the Escuela Superior de Hostelería y Turismo in Madrid. Carlos de Olagüe, EfVET Coordinator for Spain and FPEmpresa Member for Madrid and International, also participated in the organisation of the meeting.

The agenda of the day covered discussions on various topics such as: policy, conference, membership action, finance and projects. However, one of the most prominent topics on the agenda was the preparation of the next European Congress on the island of Rhodes (Greece) from 26 until 28 October 2023. The Congress will include conferences, workshops, visits to VET centres and Market Place (networking meetings), although the theme of the event is not yet known.

The meeting on the 26th was followed by a visit to the facilities of the Escuela Superior de Hostelería y Turismo to learn about good VET practices in the centre.

The meeting on the 27th was followed by a visit to the facilities of the Escuela de la Vid, where José María Rodríguez, Director General of Secondary Education and Vocational Training of the Community of Madrid welcomed the participants, who came from 12 different countries.

Meetings to increase international relations

“The event has been a great opportunity to give visibility in Europe to the quality of vocational training in Spain. Both the Escuela Superior de Hostelería y Turismo and the Escuela del Vid have shown the methodologies and training techniques at the highest level. The Entrepreneurship Classroom of the School of Hospitality and Tourism, equipped with the latest technology, and the attention received by teachers and students have made possible the event with a great international impact,” said Carlos de Olagüe.

“Without a doubt, for FPEmpresa it has been an excellent opportunity to consolidate its international trajectory. In addition, this event was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Directorate General for Secondary Education and Vocational Training and the teams and students of the Escuela Superior de Hostelería y Turismo de Madrid and the Escuela de la Vid”, concluded the EfVET coordinator for Spain.

Finally, the meeting discussed the work of the Thematic Themes (EfVET thematic teams), established in 2018 with the main objective of becoming a ‘Think Tank’, opinion leader and reference point for VET in a specific field. Also, to promote innovation and business opportunities among project members.

Currently, EfVET thematic teams are focusing on the areas of Entrepreneurship, Sustainability through VET, Tourism, VET 4.0, Internationalisation and Learning Mobility and Inclusive Vocational Excellence.

CaixaBank Dualiza and FPEmpresa have organised this Wednesday, 23rd November, the Dualiza Automotive Meeting at the IES Ana Luisa Benítez. This event, with the collaboration of the Sergio Alonso Foundation, was held with the aim of creating a meeting point where the centres that offer training courses in the professional family of Transport and Vehicle Maintenance can strengthen or establish new relationships with companies in the automotive sector within the framework of the new FP law.


The event was aimed at the educational centres where the TMV professional family is implemented, as well as business associations and companies in the automotive sector. The meeting began at 9am with a welcome from Javier Nuez Sáchez, director of IES Ana Luisa Benítez; and Eva Aguado, Territorial Coordinator of CaixaBank Dualiza.

This was followed by a presentation on ‘Vocational Training, a new scenario’ by Rosario Gañán Pérez, Director General of Vocational Training and Adult Education. Once finished, Manuel Socorro Valido, Dual VET prospector of the TMV professional family, started the presentation of the day. Nayra Moreno, director of the Sergio Alonso Foundation, spoke about ‘FP Plus automotive’ to highlight the importance of collaboration between the centre and the company.

Likewise, the CIFP Profesor Raúl Vázquez (Madrid) presented the good practices carried out in the Dual VET of the TMV family. Once again, Manuel Socorro spoke on the subject of the figure of the prospector in VET.

After the different interventions, there was a break to have breakfast and take advantage of the space for networking activities. To conclude the event, a round table was held to highlight the value of dual vocational training, under the title ‘Dual vocational training, the challenge’.

Over the next three years, companies will need 90,000 professionals with expertise in data and Artificial Intelligence in order to be more efficient and able to compete internationally. In addition, new technologies and, therefore, the skills that employees need to have will evolve at such a rapid pace that they will have to continuously update and recycle their knowledge.

This situation is one of the great challenges that companies and society in general are already facing. And in this context, Vocational Training is one of the most relevant training modalities to train all the necessary talent, both in the Spanish industrial sector and in the rest of the economic activities. In order to respond to these training needs and meet companies’ demand for talent, IndesIA, the association to promote the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Spanish industrial sector, made up of nine of the country’s leading companies (Repsol, Gestamp, Navantia, Técnicas Reunidas, Telefónica, Microsoft, Airbus, Ferrovial and Inditex) and FPEmpresa, an organisation that brings together more than 450 Spanish vocational training centres, have committed to working together.

The aim of this collaboration agreement is to promote the introduction of technologies related to data and artificial intelligence within the educational curricula of vocational training to promote training and employment related to science and technology.

As a result of this collaboration, FPEmpresa will begin to carry out an analysis of the current state of VET in everything related to the data economy and Artificial Intelligence by reviewing various reports prepared by IndesIA, which analyse different professional profiles demanded by companies and the training offer currently available and that which will be needed in the future.

In addition, both entities will collaborate in the development of the “Digitalisation” module, which will be compulsory in all Vocational Training degrees, as defined in the Vocational Training Modernisation Plan promoted by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. This will also mean that both institutions will participate in the training of the teaching professionals who will have to teach this module.

On the other hand, their contribution to the creation and revision of vocational training itineraries to train professionals in the field of the data economy and Artificial Intelligence is also foreseen, as well as the promotion of these itineraries in educational centres throughout the national territory.

According to Valero Marín, president of IndesIA, “it is necessary to focus on training and education if we want to improve the shortage of expert profiles in technologies and achieve the transformation of the country in the long term. The data indicate that there are 200,000 jobs related to science, mathematics, engineering and technology that will not be filled in the next two years”. In this sense, he warns “Vocational Training is a great opportunity to train all this talent in a faster and more practical way, but it must focus on the application of new technologies, which is why we consider this agreement with FPEmpresa to be essential, because thanks to their work we will be able to disseminate the importance of digitalisation in all the centres that make up this entity”.

For his part, Luis García, President of FPEMPRESA, explains “it is necessary for vocational training centres to be prepared to be able to provide quality, up-to-date teaching. Not only new technologies, but also the way of learning is different as the digitalisation of classrooms evolves. It is therefore interesting that the centres adapt their teaching methods to the new teaching tools, such as: virtual/augmented reality, digital environments such as digital twins, classrooms equipped with Industry 4.0 technology, etc.”. On the other hand, he comments “it is essential that a VET student is trained in an environment similar to the one they will later find in the real company and in this sense, IndesIA is for us the opportunity to obtain the knowledge that the large companies that make up the association have in terms of the application of data and Artificial Intelligence in the daily work of an organisation”.

The 6th edition of the call for Ayudas Dualiza from CaixaBank Dualiza and the Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa has selected the 30 most innovative collaboration projects in the country promoted by 47 vocational training centres in collaboration with companies, which will receive a total of 402,759 euros for their development.

Most of these projects, a total of 19, have been presented by individual centres, while the other 11 have been selected in the network category, characterised by the fact that they are the result of the collaboration of several centres from different territories supporting a single idea.

These 30 projects will involve a total of 66 collaborating entities and 258 teachers through which the learning of 2,320 students will be improved.

Most of the selected schools are state-owned, almost 9 out of 10, while the rest are state-subsidised.

When selecting these 30 projects, the evaluation committee has taken into account that they should be innovative, encourage co-participation between centres, have a social impact, diversify the participating agents, establish coordination and communication mechanisms, contemplate sustainability to provide long-term results, be transferable, facilitate the communication of the achievements and seek to have an impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Regarding this last point, it is worth noting that a majority of projects are committed to impacting on the ODS Quality education, followed by Industry, innovation and infrastructure and, in third place, decent work and economic growth.

As for the professional families in which these initiatives will be developed, the majority will be in Mechanical Manufacturing and IT and Communications, followed by Electricity and Electronics and Installation and Maintenance. However, the variety of proposals presented means that 17 of the 26 existing professional families will be represented.

The director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Paula San Luis, expressed her satisfaction that “more and more schools are becoming aware of and participating in the Dualiza Call and that this participation is diverse, both in terms of the content of the projects, the sectors chosen, as well as the ownership of the schools themselves”.

San Luis added that “this variety allows us to offer a real vision of what VET is, but also of what the Convocation is, where we are committed to collaboration between all the agents of Vocational Training with the aim of improving the learning and employability of students”.

For his part, the president of FPEmpresa, Luis García, added that “each of the selected projects is a way of sharing and learning together between companies and VET centres”.

The development of projects that can be implemented in real environments is once again the protagonist in this call, embodied in energy audits in educational centres, replicas of cybersecurity environments with attack and defence of infrastructures, construction of test benches, or applications to facilitate the circular economy through the use of car sharing.

The full list of selected projects is available here.

FPEmpresa has met last 28th of October with the Spanish EfVET partners at the EfVET 2022 Annual Conference in Kuopio (Finland). The conference took place from 26th to 29th October and was organised by two Finnish EfVET members, Ylä-Savo Vocational College and Savo Vocational College. FPEmpresa was represented by Carlos de Olagüe, the Association’s Madrid and International Coordinator.

The theme of the congress was ‘The future skills revolution for VET and CVET in Europe’, whose main objective was to provide training providers with the opportunity to share learning and teaching experiences. Also, as new skills in the education system and to share best practices among other EfVET members.

“As EfVET’s national representative, a new challenge that I am looking forward to, I have to thank the organisation of this Congress that has allowed us to learn about different educational and work experiences, as well as different social, cultural and political perspectives”, says Carlos de Olagüe.

Future skills revolution

During the event, a wide variety of topics have been discussed according to the programme: Finnish education, presentation of new EfVET members, working sessions, round tables, among others. The General Assembly also approved the re-election of the current board, so that the Executive Management Team is composed of 4 members and 2 co-opted members: Joaquín James Calleja (Malta); Stefano Tirati (Learningdigital. eu – Italy); Arja Flinkman (South Savo Education Ltd – Finland); Marta Almeida Santos (Ensinus Group – Portugal); Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos (P- Consulting – Greece); Leif Haar (Denmark); and Vibeke Holtum Norgaard (Technical Education Copenhagen – Copenhagen).

The budget and the strategic plan 2023 were also approved and the next congress to be held in October 2023 in Rhodes (Greece) was presented.

The EfVET Annual Conference is held every year as a meeting point for VET professionals from Europe, Asia and America. EfVET confirms that, in each edition, more than 200 delegates from different countries gather every time, even when the coronavirus pandemic appeared.

More than 650 teachers had analysed the future of VET and educational centres at the 8th VET Congress organised by the Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza, in collaboration with the Basque Government and the Orange Foundation.

Under the title “Building the VET centre of the future” and over two days, 26th and 27th of october, the Kursaal Conference Centre in Donostia-San Sebastián (Basque Country) hosted the debates on the challenges that schools will face in the medium term, what digital tools they will need and what role companies will play in relation to these same schools and students.

The President of FPEmpresa, Luis García Domínguez, gave a positive assessment of the results of the event and concluded that “working together to think and share what the vocational training centres of the future will be like by asking leading centres, companies, social agents and institutions has been the main objective of the 8th VET Congress. At FPEmpresa, we believe that VET centres need to share and learn in order to plan and design the future necessary for quality VET”.

The director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Paula San Luis, expressed her satisfaction with “the success of an event that has become a benchmark for VET professionals and because spaces like this serve to anticipate the challenges that we will have to face in the future and to work in advance on solutions”. San Luis added that “on this path, CaixaBank Dualiza will continue to support all the needs of both schools and teachers”.

A total of 30 speakers from different sectors, from academic to institutional, took part in the congress in order to highlight the value of the vocational training of the future and share experiences and good practices. Among the speakers were the Secretary General for Vocational Training, Clara Sanz; the Deputy Minister for Vocational Training of the Basque Government, Jorge Arévalo; the head of the Knowledge and Innovation Centre for Vocational Training at CaixaBank Dualiza, Mónica Moso; that of the Regional Secretary for Education and Vocational Training of the Valencia Region, Miguel Soler; and, finally, that of companies such as the Orange Foundation, by the Director of Sustainability of Orange and the Orange Foundation, Daniel Morales; Acciona, Volkswagen and IndesIA, among others.

The FPEmpresa Association also took the opportunity to celebrate its 10th anniversary, promoting vocational training centres with a future. Likewise, the FPEmpresa awards ceremony was held, as well as the awards of the 5th Call for Dualiza Grants.

Also, within the framework of this congress, several visits were made to VET centres in the Basque Country, such as TKNIKA, CIFP Usurbil LHII, CIFP Tolosaldea LHII, CIFP Easo Politeknikoa LHII, CIFP Don Bosco LHII and CIFP Bidasoa LHII.

The Congress has been broadcast live on the official YouTube channels of FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza and can be replayed in the following links:

Wednesday 26th October
Thursday 27th October

If you wish to consult the programme of the 8th VET Congress, click here.

FPEmpresa has participated in the fifth PLA (Peer Learning Activity) of the European project PRALINE (Promoting Adult Learning in Networks) which was held on 6 and 7th of october in Tallinn (Estonia). For this occasion, the Estonian Association For Advancement Of Vocational Education has been the organization in charge of the conferences that have been carried out in the school Tallinna Teeninduskool and Harno.

The conference focused on digitalisation, automation and artificial intelligence and on how to improve the re-qualification of adults in the digital age. On these topics, the different speakers presented different proposals with examples of good practices in the country. In addition, the topic of digitalisation was addressed in general aspects of Estonia, which has a population of 1.3 million and is one of the most developed European countries in this area.

Among the participants who also shared their perspective on the Estonian education system and digital skills among adults were Merlin Tatrik, Head of Adult Education Policy at the Ministry of Education and Research, and Karin Künnapas, Head of Adult Education Policy at the Ministry of Education and Research; Karin Künnapas, Director of the company Kood/Jõhvi which offers an autonomous and self-taught education offer; Yngve Rosenblad, Chief Analyst at OSKA, Estonian Qualifications Authority; Keerli Požogina, Digital Competence Project Manager at Harno; and Jevgenia Smirnova, Head of the Labour Market Training Service at The Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.

The project partners also visited the e-Estonia Briefing Centre to learn about the latest digital skills that have been acquired by the country. Among them, having a virtual medical portal for the inhabitants, which can be accessed only with the ID card.

After having concluded the presentation of the days, as it was done in the four previous ALMPs, the PRALINE partners have explained their points of view in order to motivate a debate and thus find new ideas among them. In this way, a group dynamic is created on how the actions of the Estonian education system could be implemented in the other countries that are part of the European project.

Finally, the European partners will meet at the 6th ALMP in France next January and it will be organised by the association Union Nationale Des Maisons Familiales Rurales d’Education Et.

PRALINE is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims to strengthen and boost international networks of adult education providers already in operation by learning about good practices.

EFA La Malvesía, a centre associated to the Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa, has held an event to present the ‘New Agronet’ initiative to its educational community. It is an Erasmus + project, made up of teachers and students from France, Italy and Romania, to promote and consolidate the creation of new companies in the agri-food sector. Likewise, ‘New Agronet’ seeks to promote training in methodologies and new technologies among VET students; to increase the opportunities for students by helping them in their professional development; and to help create a more modern and professional environment in VET schools that encourages entrepreneurship. In this way, the project encourages the exchange of culture and knowledge and increases the motivation to work in the agricultural world.


EFA La Malvesía was selected as the host entity for the international delegations to carry out this event. The ‘New Agronet’ programme was held at the end of September and proved to be a success for all participants. The day started with several participatory work sessions in the classroom. These sessions were in turn combined with visits to farms of interest. This helped students to refine and better define their agri-food business model proposals.

In addition, they visited the livestock farm ‘els Masets’, which became an example of the renovation of a family farm: from merely producing lamb meat, it has gone on to produce milk and quality dairy products, offering, among others, typical products of the area.

Finally, the attendees took advantage of the visit to the agro-ecological farm ‘Saifresc’ to learn about a production model that focuses on local, fresh and seasonal products.