FPEmpresa Vet Schools Association has participated in the third PLA (Peer Learning Activity) of the European project PRALINE (Promoting Adult Learning in Networks) that has taken place in Lisbon. On this occasion, the Associaçäo Nacional de Escolas Profissionais de Portugal (ANESPO) has organized the meeting in the School of Commerce of Lisbon (SCL). PRALINE is an Erasmus+ funded project with the aim to boost the transnational networks of adult education through good practices summary.

After the second PLA celebrated in Valencia and directed by FPEmpresa the last month of October 2021, Portugal has received the European partners of PRALINE by the 14th and 15th of March. The members have had the opportunity to know better the Vocational Education and Training of the Lusitanian country. In this context, the executive director of ANESPO, Luis Costa, have explain that “the PLA in Lisbon has accomplished with his objectives. Apart, it has allowed to the associations know the function of the education inside the Portuguese classrooms”.

Costa has rated the encounter as “very important to ANESPO. It has been a great exchange of experiences about how the VET is been working in different places. The reality is not the same in all the European countries. Each nation treats the VET according to her precedents. For example, we had one of the worst educational systems in Portugal for many years. It was for financed issues”.

This third meeting has had the participation of some figures that have shared good practices of the Portugal’s VET with the PRALINE’s partners. Attended Teresa Damásio, CEO of ENSINUS Group; Catarina Esménio, SCL General Board Adviser; Alexandra Teixeira, Director of the Adult Qualification Department of the National Agency for Qualifications and Vocational Education; and Andreia Lopes, Regional Director of Human Resources at LIDL Portugal, among others.

Finally, Costa has concluded that “in the next encounters we will tackle the problem of attract the people with a low qualification. By this way, we will help them to obtain a quality education to access to new employees”.

The partners have announced the date of the next PLA at the final of the meeting. It will take place in Ireland the next month of May and it will be organized by the Irish partner of PRALINE, Education and Training Board Ireland (ETBI).

FPEmpresa VET Schools Association and Group Esprinet launch the I edition of VET Knowledge’s Transfer Awards which the aim of bring the women’s talent to the fore in those VET professional families where is limited. The call is directed towards the 400 VET schools associated to FPEmpresa. The inscription started the 8th of March and will be ending the next 29th of March.

The call came up from an agreement between FPEmpresa and Group Esprinet that was signed the last month of February for which both organizations stablish attract women’s talent towards VET studies where there are a low women’s representation. Furthermore, this initiative pretends encourage aptitudes and abilities in the students to make competitive professionals, just like promote technical skills learning.

The first edition of awards has a solid agreement with the 2030 Agenda that set up objectives to achieve for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). By this way, the call proposes to the participants to create a technological solution that accomplish one of the SDG and promote the gender equality.

The three better purposes will be rewarded with 5.500, 4.000 and 2.500 euros, respectively. The registered teams will know all the details of the challenge in an online session the next 26th of April. Apart, since that day, they will have four days to formulate their purposes. The winners will be announced the next 25th of May.

All the information about this I edition of VET Knowledge’s Transfer Awards can be consulted on the contest rules.

#Innovaprofes virtual meeting, organized by CaixaBank Dualiza and FPEmpresa VET Schools Association beside FPInnovación, turned the last 19th of February into a great point of virtual meeting for the Vocational Education and Training. In a virtual way, hundreds of participants could traverse a divide space in different scenes where plays 26 presentations, where shows undertaking classrooms of VET schools and where the attendees worked the contact network, too.

The event that was developed through virtual reality platform application Virtway has transformed in the biggest VET virtual meeting, considering that it has been the second edition that has success. The day was open by the three participant entities with the treasurer vicepresident of FPEmpresa, Tomás Alonso. In that way, the most part of governing board was in #Innovaprofes through different presentations. Also, Luis García, president of the Association, dealt with new dual vocational trainings in his statement.

García explains that “this meeting has been a good opportunity to see us through a virtual environment favorable to learn about the speakers, as to be in contact in a nice way”. Apart, he underlined that “we must congratulate to the #Innovaprofes team, because they did an excellent job with this initiative. Furthermore, we need to have in mind the efforts that require a virtual encounter with so good results”.

The space that was organized by five rooms divide in different themes about educative innovation gathered almost 400 participants who could choose between various explanations from 30 different presenters. In addition, FPEmpresa had a stand in the reception zone where all the presents had detailed information about the objectives and activities of the Association.

By other hand, this event has reached a big impact in other virtual world like the social networks, because the teachers had a big response with the hashtag #Innovaprofes.

The European project PRALINE (Promoting Adult Learning in Networks), developed in the EUproVET network. FPEmpresa VET Schools Association is member of this project with eleven European educational entities that will have a presencial meeting the next march 2022. After the event in Valencia the last October 2021, the members established the days 19th and 20th of January 2022 as the date to realize the next meeting in Lisboa. However, the project require continuous adjustments due to Covid-19 restrictions. Even so, the partners keep working to move proposals to European politician and national governments of each organization. That’s why the associates of PRALINE continue the project through online sessions. One of those was the last 20th of January. The objective of the last one was strengthen the European relations between countries and share the educational aspects behind the borders of each European nation.

PRALINE is a project approved by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency presented under Key action 3: Support to policy development and cooperation. In this way, the initiative starts his journey the last month of January 2021 with the objective of strengthen the transnational networks of adult education through good practices summary.

After a few months of visual contact, in October of 2021 PRALINE realized his first presencial activity and the second PLA (Peer Learning Activity) of the European project. This was in Valencia and was organized by FPEmpresa, a success for the organization. The goal was realize the next reunion in January 2022. But, on account of Ómicron, variant of Covid-19, the meeting has been delayed. In order to keep working, the associates have been reunited as online way to explain the key points of the plan, all of them talk about promote the learning of adult people and to send the proposals to the politician figures.

If conditions allow it, the next conference will be 15th and 16th of March 2022. Like this, the members decided the date on the online meeting where all the associates were connected. Apart, they talked about the coronavirus situation in the participant countries.

20 January – Online session of PRALINE

However, PRALINE work doesn’t stop and conducts a new online session where continues gathering information about bad and good practices to transfer to the politician figures of each country. With the proposal of get this aim, all the members tell how is the educational system inside their borders.

Furthermore, the associates of PRALINE share a questionnaire between the members that serves as summary to know each organization. Apart, this function to know how are the practices developed in each country. As result, the plan promote make a network of knowledge between organizations. In particular, the objective is to pick up information about European VET and prepare statistics, comparisons and establish values and good practices of each country. As well, PRALINE works in creating a newsletter and a podcast to share strengths and mistakes of educational system.

If conditions permit, the next 15th and 16th of March FPEmpresa will be in Lisbon for a special meeting with the members of PRALINE. In Portugal, the project will research how is his VET and, if it’s possible, will know some centers where this take place. Also, this reunion will be an opportunity so that associates can gather together, share new practices and make progress in the compilation of data to recommend to the politician figures. In short, the European project PRALINE continue working to propel and consolidate the international network of adult education.

Access to PRALINE’s web for more information

FPEmpresa VET Schools Association and CaixaBank Dualiza release V Call of Ayudas Dualiza for the boost of Vocational Education and Training (VET). At the same time, the Announcement will share 400.000 euros between the selected projects. The objective is helping those jobs that are trying to promote the teamwork among the schools and companies in alternation training framework.

The president of FPEmpresa, Luis García, supports that the Ayudas Dualiza’s Call represents making progress in the opportunities for the VET schools and business improving the VET and the productivity of the companies”. FPEmpresa has the purpose of contribute to the VET creating new synergies and networked projects that consolidate a model based on knowledge, innovation and talent.

Juan Carlos Lauder, director of CaixaBank Dualiza, express his satisfaction because “the Call still carry on by the hand of CaixaBank, the greatest financial entity of the country, demonstrating the full confidence that we have in the project, as in our VET as essential base to construct our future”.

One more year is expected from the Call to be a reflect of our society. FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza support the education to deal with the pandemic. That´s why the call wants to develop new challenges. There are different ways to participate: Company and/or Education Involved Entity, Investigation and Innovation and Web Projects Development.

Some of the initiatives will have a double utility. To improve the education is fundamental, as well as to contribute to great global challenges, like achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The initiative has faith in keep improving the education, gender equality and developing non contaminating and affordable energies. VET shows its strengths through these projects.

This Call is not restricted to VET dual projects, it is actually open to all of the VET existent forms (dual, presential or distance). It is also available for the different formative levels: Basic VET, Medium Grade, Superior Grade and Specialization Courses.

The projects can be presented by public or private VET Spanish schools, with other companies and assistant entities, too. They will have to register in www.caixabankdualiza.es. The deadline starts this Wednesday January 19th and ends on Tuesday February 15th. After this period, an Evaluation Committee will study all the presented projects. Each project could receive a maximum of 10.000 euros. In the case of participating on the Web Projects Development modality the project could obtain a maximum of 25.000 euros.

The V Call of Ayudas Dualiza by FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza trusts in those initiatives that did not let education get stopped. The education has confronted one of the biggest challenges and, through innovation, the talent of our teachers needs to be rewarded.

Since 2019 EFA La Malvesia– associated centre of FPEmpresa VET Schools Association – leads the Erasmus+ KA2 for VET project called “Upgrading Trainers in Dual Vocational System”.

When it comes to youth unemployment and job insecurity we can see that Europe is having some problems, being more highlighted in the south of Europe. In this scenario, the VET DUAL SYSTEM and specially the role of the trainer in the company are considered really significant resources to solve this tragic problem for the future of the European youth.

The VET students spend many hours working with their trainers in the companies. Therefore, they must be a real and effective influence for their trainees to guarantee the success of the internships. This will benefit then as they will enrich their soft and professional skills required by the Labour Market.

Although the willingness to collaborate is usually excellent, there is still a lack of professionalization of the competences of the trainers which would help to achieve a real experience of high quality.

Obviously, there are multiple reasons for these gaps, such as: the role of the trainer is not legally regulated in all European countries or, surprisingly, it is not considered as an educational agent. In addition, the access to updated and relevant information is complicated due to the lack of centralized access to it.

In the light of the questions mentioned above, the UPT2S project was launched in December 2019 in Spain and its main objective is the achieve the professionalization of the role of trainers in the Dual Training System. The transformation of a company’s employee into a pedagogical trainer who is a fix and real link between companies and educational institutions and which should be facilitated with the created resources/tools.

The project goal is to obtain three intellectual outputs:

  • Implementation of an online course for trainers (25 hours).
  • The creation of an Evaluation App to assess the different learning and skills levels acquired and monitoring the progress of the trainee in real time.
  • A guideline based on the best practices focused on the role of the trainer.

Due to Covid-19, important activities had to be postponed. Needless to say, the partnership did not intend to give up their project . Therefore, they continued to move forward via on-line, showing their resilience and ability to adapt to the current situation.

Nonetheless, at the end of the month of September 2021, a group of 20 people from the project partner countries: Spain (EFA La Malvesia), Estonia (Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskus), France (MFR de Bretagne), Croatia (Srednja Skola Bedekovcina), Germany (DEULA Nienburg) met in Nienburg to check how the project was going on, its development and to set new goals.

This training activity was based on an intensive testing of the pedagogical outcomes that the partnership had developed during this phase of the project carried out by invited international experts. These resources have been an Online Course for trainers involved in VET Dual System and an Evaluation and Communication APP that allows monitoring in real time the progress of the trainee in the company during their internship period.

It should be noted that the evaluation of the resources used were well received by the participants: VET teachers, Trainers, Educational and Labour Administration Representatives. These members analysed and tested their performance, highlighting the added value was added to the project. It was also mentioned that it can become a tool that can be used by the trainer in order to upgrade their professional skills and at the same improve the quality of evaluation and monitoring of the trainees.

The project partners are currently working on the development of the third objective: A guide of best practices in this field, which allows the trainer to become a real educational agent.


For more details on the project and its ongoing developments please visit: project website.


Facebook page @UPT2SProject

The vice-president and treasurer of the FPEmpresa VET Schools Association, Tomás Alonso, attended on the 9th of December the closing ceremony of the European Project for the Improvement of the Quality of Dual VET in Spain, in which the Association has participated carrying out consultative work as one of the key social agents in this educational area.

During the event, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Education and Training has presented the publication titled 102 Good Practices of Dual VET, a document that aims to serve as an example and inspiration for all the actors involved in this training field.

“This compilation of good practices and their dissemination and exchange among all the interested parties represents, without a doubt, one of the fundamental pillars on which the improvement of Vocational Education and Training is based”, Alonso highlights.

After the inauguration by Nathalie Berger, the Director of Support for Reform in the Member States (REFORM) of the European Commission, a round table was held to exchange good practices in Dual VET implemented in different Spanish Autonomous Regions. Finally, it was the Spanish General Secretary for Vocational Education and Training, Clara Sanz, who gave the closing speech and took the opportunity to share with the attendees some of the most relevant points of the new piece of Spanish legislation on VET.

The project, promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Education and Training, has received technical support and funding from the European Commission (DG REFORM), through the Support Program for Structural Reforms, as well as technical assistance from the Bertelsmann Foundation. For more information about it, visit the following link (in Spanish).

The Salesian School “Nuestra Señora del Pilar” in Zaragoza organises the 35th edition of the Don Bosco National Award, which is aimed at the promotion of creativity, research and innovation among young people. In addition, it emphasises on individual development and students’ access to the labour market.

By carrying out these projects, a series of crucial skills and aptitudes are reinforced, such as: collaboration, perseverance, commitment, autonomy, and effort. On the other hand, through these innovative and research projects, this Award’s intention is to encourage the active participation of the entire educational community and companies, in order to give collaborative work and entrepreneurial spirit a leading role.

In this 35th edition, innovation and research of young students who see their projects as potential forms of entrepreneurship in the given categories prevail. Within the Research Area: Science category (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc.) and Health Science and Social and Legal Science category (Medicine, Psychology, Humanities, etc.); within the Technological Innovation Area: Information and Communication Technologies category (Telecommunications, Audiovisual Technologies, ICT, etc.) and Industrial Technologies category (Electronics, Robotics, Mechatronics, etc.).

The Don Bosco National Award is financed entirely by private capital and it is thanks to the participation of sponsors and collaborators that the initiative is consolidated year after year.

Students of Vocational Education and Training (Basic VET, Intermediate VET and Advanced VET) and Bachillerato may participate. In order to participate, they will have to submit their projects via the online application form before November 30, 2021.

Share Don Bosco National Award on social media with the hashtag #PdB35ed

The 7th VET Conference: VET, challenges for a world in transition, held on November 4 and 5 in the Spanish city of Toledo, has ended successfully. Its celebration has been received with a great reception by the more than 500 attendees. The Conference has been organised by the FPEmpresa VET Schools Association and CaixaBank Dualiza and has had the collaboration and support of the regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Castilla-La Mancha.

The president of FPEmpresa, Luis García, values ​​the results obtained in this 7th Conference very positively and is convinced that it has shown that “VET is not only a key issue for the development of the Spanish productive sector, but it has already become in a matter of national significance”. In addition, this Conference confirms the importance of VET centres working together since, only in this way, “can we all achieve the desired objective: make VET more visible and improve the VET system so that it is established as a solid academic path, with present and future, in all the Spanish territories”.

For his part, the director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Juan Carlos Lauder, has expressed his satisfaction with the development of the Conference that “for yet another year has served as a reference for the VET world, as a meeting point for educational centres and nexus for the 500 teachers and professionals in this field who have gathered in it”. Furthermore, he wanted to add that “events like this only make us more convinced of the talent that VET accumulates and that the future of our society depends on its impulse; something that we will continue to support from CaixaBank Dualiza”.

More than 30 speakers, from the academic and institutional sectors, have participated in the Conference, who have expressed their different points of view on Vocational Education and Training and have shared their experiences and good practices with all the attendees.

Presentations such as the one made by the General Secretary for Vocational Education and Training, Clara Sanz, by the President of CaixaBank, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, or by the General Director of Vocational Education and Training of Castilla-La Mancha, María Teresa Company González, have been accompanied by many contributions made by representatives of VET educational centres from all corners of Spain, as well as by experts in the VET field and by representatives of the CEOE, UGT and CCOO (main social agents in Spain). Additionally, within the framework of this Conference, some visits have also been made to VET schools and companies in the Spanish province of Toledo. They have visited the IES Alfonso X El Sabio, the IES Universidad Laboral, the IES Azarquiel and the Infantry Academy, as well as the companies Aerennova, Innovantia and Bezares.

The 7th VET Conference has been broadcast live through the official YouTube channels of FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza and can be watched again in its entirety at the following links (in Spanish):





SECOND SESSION 5 DE NOVEMBER.  12:00 to 14:30.



The FPEmpresa VET Schools Association will be present at the Annual General Assembly of EfVET (European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training), which is going to be held today, October 28, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. (CEST), via virtual platform for the second consecutive year.

EfVET, an organisation of which FPEmpresa is a member, is one of the institutions with the greatest international relevance in the field of Vocational Education and Training and its mission is to defend and enrich VET, through transnational cooperation and the creation of a strong pan-European network of institutions working towards a common goal.

The purpose of EfVET is clear: to promote quality and innovation in Vocational Education and Training throughout Europe, in order to develop fruitful mechanisms for cooperation and mutual learning and to guarantee an agile exchange of good practices between all parties involved. Furthermore, this organisation plays a decisive role when it comes to influencing European policies related to Vocational Education and Training.

At the Assembly, various internal issues of the organisation will be discussed, such as the presentation and approval of the activity report and financial report for last year’s financial year; the presentation of EfVET’s strategic plan for the period 2022-2026; and the presentation of the EfVET History Book.