The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa has participated in the sixth PLA (Peer Learning Activity) of the European project PRALINE (Promoting Adult Learning in Networks), held on 30 and 31 January in La Rochelle (France). The meeting was organised by the Association Union Nationale Des Maisons Familiales Rurales d’Education Et (MFR).
The conference focused on the understanding of VET in France, digitalisation and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in VET and Adult Education. During the presentation of these topics, the different speakers presented their possible solutions and alternatives through good practices in the country.
One of the main topics of the conference was La Rochelle, the French coastal city considered as a zero carbon territory. Joffrey Perrussel (Low Carbon Strategy Officer) and Julien Cluchague (Smart Campus Project Manager – Univeristy of La Rochelle) took part as guests.
Both Perrussel and Cluchague explained to the European partners that sustainable development has been a priority for La Rochelle for more than 40 years, thanks to the commitment of the population to fight climate change. Thus, one of the main objectives of the territory is to reach carbon neutrality by 2040 and to respect the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
MFR promotes new digital skills
Other topics discussed were the figure of the monitor by Sandrine Guibert (Pedagogical delegate FRMFR N-A – ANFRA) and Mathias Ledouce (Monitor – MFR La Garette); and the activity of the MFR Association. The Maisons familiales rurales (MFR) are vocational training centres that alternate study and work experience and are run by “families”.
These centres allow young people in rural areas to access education and acquire a professional qualification. Today, MRFs exist in more than 30 countries, mainly in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia.
After discussing improvements and new digital competences for teachers, as in previous ALMPs, PRALINE partners meet in groups to present their views and stimulate a debate to find new ideas among them.
At the end of the conference, the European partners have organised the dates for the next ALMPs: in May in Helsinki (Finland), organised by AMKE; in October in Croatia by Hrvatsko Andragosko Drustvo; and the last ALMP of the project will take place in December in the Netherlands by MBO Raad.
PRALINE is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims to strengthen and boost international networks of adult education providers already in operation by learning about good practice.