The Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa attended the ceremony of the first STEAM Alliance Awards on 11th of february, coinciding with the commemoration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Representing FPEmpresa was Tomás Alonso, vice-president of the Association.
The gala has been held in Castelló (Valencia), in collaboration with the Castelló City Council and was attended by the Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Pilar Alegría, the Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant and the biotechnologist and astronaut, Sara García Alonso.
The STEAM Alliance, of which FPEmpresa is a member, is an educational project by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training to value and promote the vocations of girls and young women in disciplines related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Thus, one of the fundamental objectives of the project is to reward the projects of the educational centres that strive to make female talent visible in the aforementioned fields.
“The Association belongs to this alliance in order to reduce the gender gap in STEAM education. All actions should be aimed at this reduction, starting from primary education to make the youngest girls aware that they can be capable of doing everything they set their minds to”, said Tomás Alonso, vice-president of FPEmpresa.
“From FPEmpresa, we congratulate all the VET centres that have been awarded in the categories of Intermediate and Higher Grade. It has been a pleasure to attend this ceremony to share this great experience, where the biotechnologist and astronaut, Sara García, also attended to emphasise that what she likes most is helping people”, added Alonso.
Bonanova Vocational Training Institute, the first winner of the STEAM Alliance
The awards are divided into five categories: Pre-school and Primary Education; Secondary Education and Baccalaureate; Intermediate Vocational Training; Advanced Vocational Training; and entities and organisations. The first prizes are endowed with 5,000 euros each, the second prizes with 3,000 euros and the third prizes with 2,000 euros. All the awards were presented by the Minister of Education and Vocational Training and the Minister of Science and Innovation.
Thus, the Bonanova Institute, a centre associated with the Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa, won the first prize in the category of Advanced Vocational Training for the project ‘Promotion of female talent and vocation for STEAM from vocational training in health and biosciences’.
The main objective of the project is to make the scientific-technological and research professions more visible to primary, secondary and high school students, focusing on girls and young women who are studying these subjects in order to bring them closer to the STEAM field.
To this end, the Bonanova Institute devises various activities that can be carried out jointly to promote STEAM studies among girls and young women, from the perspective of a vocational training centre specialising in the field of health and biosciences, showing not only the academic itineraries but also the associated future professions.