FPEmpresa VET Schools Association and Group Esprinet launch the I edition of VET Knowledge’s Transfer Awards which the aim of bring the women’s talent to the fore in those VET professional families where is limited. The call is directed towards the 400 VET schools associated to FPEmpresa. The inscription started the 8th of March and will be ending the next 29th of March.

The call came up from an agreement between FPEmpresa and Group Esprinet that was signed the last month of February for which both organizations stablish attract women’s talent towards VET studies where there are a low women’s representation. Furthermore, this initiative pretends encourage aptitudes and abilities in the students to make competitive professionals, just like promote technical skills learning.

The first edition of awards has a solid agreement with the 2030 Agenda that set up objectives to achieve for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). By this way, the call proposes to the participants to create a technological solution that accomplish one of the SDG and promote the gender equality.

The three better purposes will be rewarded with 5.500, 4.000 and 2.500 euros, respectively. The registered teams will know all the details of the challenge in an online session the next 26th of April. Apart, since that day, they will have four days to formulate their purposes. The winners will be announced the next 25th of May.

All the information about this I edition of VET Knowledge’s Transfer Awards can be consulted on the contest rules.

#Innovaprofes virtual meeting, organized by CaixaBank Dualiza and FPEmpresa VET Schools Association beside FPInnovación, turned the last 19th of February into a great point of virtual meeting for the Vocational Education and Training. In a virtual way, hundreds of participants could traverse a divide space in different scenes where plays 26 presentations, where shows undertaking classrooms of VET schools and where the attendees worked the contact network, too.

The event that was developed through virtual reality platform application Virtway has transformed in the biggest VET virtual meeting, considering that it has been the second edition that has success. The day was open by the three participant entities with the treasurer vicepresident of FPEmpresa, Tomás Alonso. In that way, the most part of governing board was in #Innovaprofes through different presentations. Also, Luis García, president of the Association, dealt with new dual vocational trainings in his statement.

García explains that “this meeting has been a good opportunity to see us through a virtual environment favorable to learn about the speakers, as to be in contact in a nice way”. Apart, he underlined that “we must congratulate to the #Innovaprofes team, because they did an excellent job with this initiative. Furthermore, we need to have in mind the efforts that require a virtual encounter with so good results”.

The space that was organized by five rooms divide in different themes about educative innovation gathered almost 400 participants who could choose between various explanations from 30 different presenters. In addition, FPEmpresa had a stand in the reception zone where all the presents had detailed information about the objectives and activities of the Association.

By other hand, this event has reached a big impact in other virtual world like the social networks, because the teachers had a big response with the hashtag #Innovaprofes.