The 7th VET Conference: VET, challenges for a world in transition, held on November 4 and 5 in the Spanish city of Toledo, has ended successfully. Its celebration has been received with a great reception by the more than 500 attendees. The Conference has been organised by the FPEmpresa VET Schools Association and CaixaBank Dualiza and has had the collaboration and support of the regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Castilla-La Mancha.
The president of FPEmpresa, Luis García, values the results obtained in this 7th Conference very positively and is convinced that it has shown that “VET is not only a key issue for the development of the Spanish productive sector, but it has already become in a matter of national significance”. In addition, this Conference confirms the importance of VET centres working together since, only in this way, “can we all achieve the desired objective: make VET more visible and improve the VET system so that it is established as a solid academic path, with present and future, in all the Spanish territories”.
For his part, the director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Juan Carlos Lauder, has expressed his satisfaction with the development of the Conference that “for yet another year has served as a reference for the VET world, as a meeting point for educational centres and nexus for the 500 teachers and professionals in this field who have gathered in it”. Furthermore, he wanted to add that “events like this only make us more convinced of the talent that VET accumulates and that the future of our society depends on its impulse; something that we will continue to support from CaixaBank Dualiza”.
More than 30 speakers, from the academic and institutional sectors, have participated in the Conference, who have expressed their different points of view on Vocational Education and Training and have shared their experiences and good practices with all the attendees.
Presentations such as the one made by the General Secretary for Vocational Education and Training, Clara Sanz, by the President of CaixaBank, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, or by the General Director of Vocational Education and Training of Castilla-La Mancha, María Teresa Company González, have been accompanied by many contributions made by representatives of VET educational centres from all corners of Spain, as well as by experts in the VET field and by representatives of the CEOE, UGT and CCOO (main social agents in Spain). Additionally, within the framework of this Conference, some visits have also been made to VET schools and companies in the Spanish province of Toledo. They have visited the IES Alfonso X El Sabio, the IES Universidad Laboral, the IES Azarquiel and the Infantry Academy, as well as the companies Aerennova, Innovantia and Bezares.
The 7th VET Conference has been broadcast live through the official YouTube channels of FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza and can be watched again in its entirety at the following links (in Spanish):
FIRST SESSION 4 NOVEMBER. 9:30 to 11:30.
SECOND SESSION 4 NOVEMBER. 11:50 to 14:30.
FIRST SESSION 5 NOVEMBER. 9:00 to 11:30.